
Adlershof is the only technology park in Germany that has founded an institution with the IGAFA, which actively takes care of the cooperation of the facilities. The member institutes of IGAFA cultivate cooperations and interdisciplinary exchange in manifold ways. Cooperation forms can involve the exchange of scientists, third-party funded projects, patents or publications.

Another typical feature of Adlershof is the small way of service”: an extensive, non-quantifiable cooperation at the employee level for the exchange of ideas and knowledge (“transfer from below”).

International Cooperations

The research institutes maintain a total of more than 900 cooperations. In addition to around 350 concrete partnerships with international institutions, there are also 50 network memberships (e.g.  at OpTecBB, in the Laserlab Europe) to connect to a further 550 partners.

University Cooperations

There are currently more than 60 collaborations between the research institutions and the institutes of the Humboldt- Universität zu Berlin within Adlershof, including eleven professorships appointed jointly, nine cooperation agreements and a further 30 third-party funded projects, including four Collaborative Research Centers. Several institutes participate in the IRIS Adlershof and the Graduate School SALSA as part of the Excellence Initiative.

Number of joint professorships
■ HU: 14
■ TU: 25
■ FU: 8

Cooperation with Companies

The Adlershof Technology Park is exemplary for the close networking of companies and research institutions: around 43% (according to the 2017 survey) work with at least one non-university research institution.
In addition, there are continuous start-ups, e.g. in the Gründerwerkstatt Adlershof – often these are spin-offs from the institutes. Two outstanding examples are the
Research Factory Microelectronics supported by the Ferdinand-Braun-Institute and the Siemens Industry and Science Campus supported by BAM.

IGAFA Science Office:
Rudower Chaussee 17
D – 12489 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 / 6392 – 3583
Fax: +49 30 / 6392 – 3584
E-Mail: igafa(at)