Events at the IBZ

We would like to support the idea of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, that the IBZ are places to meet other scientists. For this reason our Acquainting Concept is an important part for our guests during their stay.

We organize events for networking and meeting each other on a regular basis – the dates are to be found in our Calendar of Events. The type of event is varying every time.   We organize table tennis cups, make barbeque together or make trips to a museum or events in Berlin. Additionally, we decorate the Christmas tree together every year. To some events like our traditional winetasting, our summer and Christmas party we also invite friends and supporters of IGAFA to join our guests.

The Acquainting Concept aims to strengthen the sense of community between the guests and emphasize the familiar atmosphere in our guest houses. Furthermore we would like to foster the intercultural exchange between our guests and show them the German culture as well.

To enable the autonomous contact between our guests, we installed a Facebook and a WhatsApp group, so guests can meet each other for activities on their own.

IGAFA Science Office:
Rudower Chaussee 17
D – 12489 Berlin

Phone: +49 30 / 6392 – 3583
Fax: +49 30 / 6392 – 3584
E-Mail: igafa(at)